Monday, June 18, 2018

Glycolic Acid

Hasil gambar untuk glycolic acid


Glycolic acid can be synthesized in various ways. The predominant approaches uses a catalyzed reaction of formaldehyde with synthesis gas (carbonylation of formaldehyde), for its low cost.
It is also prepared by the reaction of chloroacetic acid with sodium hydroxide followed by re-acidification.
Other methods, not noticeably in use, include hydrogenation of oxalic acid, and hydrolysis of the cyanohydrin derived from formaldehyde. Some of today's glycolic acids are formic acid-free. Glycolic acid can be isolated from natural sources, such as sugarcanesugar beetspineapplecantaloupe and unripe grapes.
Glycolic acid can also be prepared using an enzymatic biochemical process that may require less energy.


Glycolic acid is slightly stronger than acetic acid due to the electron-withdrawing power of the terminal hydroxyl group. The carboxylate group can coordinate to metal ions forming coordination complexes. Of particular note are the complexes with Pb2+ and Cu2+ which are significantly stronger than complexes with other carboxylic acids. This indicates that the hydroxyl group is involved in complex formation, possibly with the loss of its proton.

Skin care

Due to its excellent capability to penetrate skin, glycolic acid finds applications in skin care products, most often as a chemical peel performed by a dermatologist in concentrations of 20 to 70% or at-home kits in lower concentrations between 10 and 20%. In addition to concentration, pH also plays a large part in determining the potency of glycolic acid in solution.
Physician-strength peels can have a pH as low as 0.6 (strong enough to completely keratolyze the epidermis), while acidities for home peels can be as high as 2.5.
Once applied, glycolic acid reacts with the upper layer of the epidermis, weakening the binding properties of the lipids that hold the dead skin cells together. This allows the stratum corneum to be exfoliated, exposing live skin cells. Highly purified grades of glycolic acid are commercially available for personal care applications.


Glycolic acid is a strong irritant depending on pH. Like ethylene glycol, it is metabolized to oxalic acid, which could make it dangerous if ingested.

Glycolic acid
Alpha-hydroxyacetic acid
Hydroxyethanoic acid
Molecular mass: 76.1
ICSC # 1537
CAS # 79-14-1
RTECS # MC5250000
UN # 3261
October 28, 2004 Validated 





FIRECombustible. NO open flames. Powder, water spray, foam, carbon dioxide. 


•INHALATIONCough. Shortness of breath. Sore throat. Avoid inhalation of fine dust and mist. Half-upright position. Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical attention. 
•SKINRedness. Pain. Serious skin burns. Protective gloves. First rinse with plenty of water, then remove contaminated clothes and rinse again. 
•EYESRedness. Pain. Blurred vision. Severe deep burns. Safety goggles, or eye protection in combination with breathing protection. First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then take to a doctor. 
•INGESTIONAbdominal pain. Burning sensation. Shock or collapse. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give plenty of water to drink. Refer for medical attention. 




Chemical protection suit including self-contained breathing apparatus. Sweep spilled substance into covered containers. Separated from strong oxidants, metals, sulfides, cyanides strong bases food and feedstuffs . Dry. Do not transport with food and feedstuffs.
UN Hazard Class: 8
UN Packing Group: II 
ICSC: 1537Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International Programme on Chemical Safety & the Commission of the European Communities (C) IPCS CEC 1994. No modifications to the International version have been made except to add the OSHA PELs, NIOSH RELs and NIOSH IDLH values.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Saponification Table Plus The Characteristics of Oils in Soap

How much Lye should you use in order to saponify a specific fat or oil? Use this simple saponification table to find out!
You can click on each oil or fat within this chart to learn more about its benefits, detriments and how it is used in soap making.
oil or fat (acid)SAPHard/Softcleansingfluffy latherstable latherskin care
avocado oil133.7softfairyesnoamazing!
coconut oil191.1hardgreatyesnofair
castor oil128.6softfairyesyesgreat
olive oil135.3softgoodnonogreat
palm oil142hardgreatnoyesfair
peanut oil137softfairnoyesgreat
soybean oil135.9softgoodnoyesfair
sweet almond oil137.3softgoodnoyesamazing!
jojoba oil69.5softfairnoyesgreat
kukui nut oil135.5softgoodnoyesgreat

Before you start making conversions on your own, be sure to read (and re-read) through the entire explanation on this page of how to use this chart successfully.
 At first it will seem like a complicated process, but with a little bit of practice and repetition, it will become an absolute cinch.
On the chart above you'll notice 7 columns: "Oil or Fat", "SAP", "Hard/Soft", "Cleansing", "Fluffy Lather", "Stable Lather" and "Skin care". Except for "Oil or Fat" which merely tells you which ingredient is being discussed and "SAP" which tells you the amount of sodium hydroxide (lye) needed in order for saponification to occur each of these sections is a characteristic of soap that could be produced by a specific acid. Click here to learn more about fatty acids and soap making.
Keep in mind that most saponification tables merely reveal the Saponification value (more on this later) and not the characteristics of oils in soap; but for your convenience, I've added the 5 most important attributes that are contributed to your finished product by using a specific fat or oil.
Allow me to briefly explain each soap distinction and its importance:
  1. Hard/Soft - This column will tell you if a specific acid will produce a hard or soft bar of soap. If a bar of soap is too soft it will dissolve prematurely and become a mushy mess; so make sure that your soap has a certain level of hardness by combining hard oils with soft oils.
  2. Cleansing - This column will tell you how well an acid cleans. Keep in mind that all soaps clean relatively well, but some oils produce a soap that is more harsh then others. For the best results, try to combine oils that are mild when saponified with oils that are more harsh when saponified for a balance between a cleansing and conditioning bar.
  3. Fluffy Lather - This column will tell you whether or not a specific acid will produce a fluffy lather. A fluffy lather is thick and bubbly but washes away easily.
  4. Stable Lather - This column will tell you whether or not an acid will produce a stable lather. A stable lather has very little substance but is harder to wash away. In general, you want a combination of ingredients that produce both fluffiness and stability to your soap's lather. Again, your goal here is balance.
  5. Skin care - This column will tell you how beneficial a soap produced by a specific acid is to the skin. It depends mostly on the presence of nourishing vitamins, its mildness and moisturizing abilities.

Explaining how to use the saponification table will take more then just a few words. Understanding the mathematical equation required is a good idea for completeness sake but not essential to make soap. At the end of this page, I reveal a neat little short cut that anyone can use so don't be scared off by the seemingly complicated process! Just read through it once and if you don't want to learn it, use the simplified explanation at the end.
The SAP column (Saponification value) reveals simply how many milligrams of base is required to completely saponify 1 gram of an acid (oil or fat). This number usually tells you how much potassium hydroxide (potash) is needed instead of how much sodium hydroxide (lye) is needed.
If you have read the section on this website about saponification, you should know that the only ion required for the soap making reaction to take place is the hydroxide ion. Both potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide have the same number of hydroxide ions so the amount of base should be the same regardless of which one is used, right?
Wrong! The molecular weight of potassium hydroxide is less then the molecular weight of sodium hydroxide therefore less sodium hydroxide is required then potassium hydroxide to saponify the same amount of fats or oils. Sodium hydroxide's molecular weight is only 40/56.1 of potassium hydroxide's weight.
Therefore, in order for the same amount of hydroxide ions to be incorporated into the soap making recipe we need to take every Saponification value that reflects potassium hydroxide as the base and multiply it by 40/56.1 in order to get the sodium hydroxide Saponification value. This is truly an arduous process to say the least.
So what's the Bottom line? Since I only use sodium hydroxide for a base (and I suggest you do the same, unless you are making liquid soap) I have taken the liberty to convert the numbers for you so that they apply to sodium hydroxide.
This means that the SAP value on my saponification table represents how many milligrams of lye (sodium hydroxide) are needed to saponify exactly 1 gram (1000 milligrams) of the fat or oil in question.
Let me give you a few examples to illustrate this fact:
Example 1: According to our saponification table, palm oil has an SAP value of 142. This means that it takes exactly 142 milligrams of lye in order to saponify 1000 milligrams of palm oil.
Example 2: coconut oil has an SAP value of 191.1. This means that it takes exactly 191.1 milligrams of lye in order to saponify 1000 milligrams of coconut oil
Example 3: Avocado oil has an SAP value of 133.7. This means that it takes exactly 133.7 milligrams of lye in order to saponify 1000 milligrams of avocado oil.
So how do we use these numbers to determine the amount of lye needed in a soap making recipe? Well, we have to convert the SAP values into a more usable form so that we can find out the weight of lye needed to saponify the weight of an oil being used.
Remember basic algebra? One familiar rule is that whatever you do to one side of an equation, you must do to the other side. Let's use avocado oil as an example:
133.7 milligrams of lye is needed to saponify 1000 milligrams of avocado oil. At this point, we want to make the units of measurement the same. So if we take 133.7 milligrams/1000 and 1000 milligrams/1000 we get values that are both in milligrams. You can now see that .1337 milligrams of lye is needed to saponify 1 milligram of avocado oil.
Since the lye and avocado oil is in the same unit of measurement we can take the new SAP value .1337 and multiply it by the weight of the oil being used. So let's say my recipe calls for 3 pounds of avocado oil. To find out the amount of lye needed to fully saponify the 3 pounds multiply 3 times .1337. According to our calculations, exactly .4011 pounds of lye is needed to saponify 3 pounds of avocado oil.
Simply put (this is the short cut I was talking about above): Take the SAP value in the saponification table, divide it by 1000 and multiply it by the weight of the oil being used.
Let me give you a few more examples just for clarification:
Example 1: Say your recipe calls for 2 pounds of coconut oil. Take 191.1 (the SAP value for coconut oil)/1000 = .1911 x 2 pounds of coconut oil = .3822 pounds of lye required to saponify 2 pounds of coconut oil.
Example 2: Say your recipe calls for 9 pounds of jojoba oil. Take 69.5 (the SAP value for jojoba oil)/1000 = .0695 x 9 pounds of jojoba oil = .6255 pounds of lye required to saponify 9 pounds of jojoba oil.
Example 3: Say your recipe calls for 12 pounds of olive oil. Take 135.3 (the SAP value for olive oil)/1000 = .1353 x 12 pounds of olive oil = 1.6236 pounds of lye required to saponify 12 pounds of olive oil.
Now, if you've spent any amount of time on this website, you probably know by now that more then one acid is almost always used in any given soap recipe. So how do you calculate the amount of lye needed for an entire recipe with multiple fats and oils? Simple... Just add the cumulative amounts of lye needed for each acid together to reach a sum total of lye needed.
Let's pretend that the 3 examples above are a single soap recipe. You want 2 pounds of coconut oil, 9 pounds of jojoba oil and 12 pounds of olive oil to make up your batch of soap.
All you need to do now is add together the total amounts of lye needed to saponify each oil separately in the recipe to realize how much lye is needed in total for the entire batch of soap: .3822 pounds + .6255 pounds + 1.6236 pounds = 2.6313 pounds of lye to completely saponify all the oils in the recipe.


Notice that throughout this tutorial, I always say "completely saponify"? Each SAP value on the saponification table tells you exactly how much lye is needed in order to turn 100% of the fats or oils into soap. In reality, we don't want to do this. If all the ingredients were completely saponified your soap would be way too caustic and harsh.
This is where superfatting comes into play. Superfatting is where you allow a certain percentage of fats and oils within your recipe to remain unsaponified by discounting your lye by a certain percentage.
Unfortunately, superfatting is not a cut and dry process. I personally use a 5-8% discount for most oils to start which usually works out pretty well, but you may need to make some adjustments depending on your preferences.
The key is that a balance needs to be met. If too much oil or fat is left unsaponified (too large of a discount), the soap will go rancid prematurely and be too soft whereas if too little oil or fat is left unsaponified your finished product will be way too harsh.
The only exeption to my 5-8% rule is for castor oil. I wont't bore you with the scientific reasons as to why this is so, bit you should only use 5% maximum discount for this particular ingredient.

So your final step in the equation is to multiply the amount of lye needed to completely saponify your fats and oils by .92 - .95 (except for castor oil, which would be .95 maximum) depending on how much you want to superfat to reach the discounted amount of lye.
Let me give you one more example just for good measure:
Example: Your recipe consists of 4 pounds of coconut oil, 1 pound of avocado oil and 3 pounds of castor oil. How much lye is needed for this recipe?
Take 191.1 (SAP value of coconut oil)/1000 = .1911 x 4 pounds = .7644 pounds of lye to completely saponify 4 pounds of coconut oil. Now multiply .7644 pounds x .92(assuming we are using an 8% lye discount) to get .7032 pounds, which is the discounted amount of lye to use in order to saponify coconut oil in a recipe.
Now take 133.7 (SAP value of avocado oil)/1000 = .1337 x 1 = .1337 pounds of lye to completely saponify 1 pound of avocado oil. Now multiply .1337 pounds x .92 to get .1230 pounds, which is the discounted amount of lye needed in order to saponify avocado oil in a soap recipe.
Now take 128.6 (SAP value of castor oil)/1000 = .1286 x 3 = .3858 pounds of lye to completely saponify 3 pounds of castor oil. Now multiply .3858 pounds x .95 (because you only discount castor oil by 5%) to get .3665 pounds of lye to saponify castor oil in a recipe.
Now add your totals together: .7032 pounds + .1230 pounds + .3665 pounds = 1.1927 pounds of lye. This is the amount of lye that you will use in this example soap making recipe to saponify your fats and oils at a discount so that for skin care purposes some of your fats and oils remain unadulterated.
I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and will continue to explore the many pages on If you have any questions about the chemistry of soap making please feel free to contact me.

The Roles of Different Fats and Oils in Soap Making

Fats and Oils in Soap Making

  • What is saponification
  • Estimation of saponification of fats and oils
  • Saturated fats
  • Butters and additive fats
  • Cocoa butter
  • Shea butter

What Is Saponification?

Saponification is a type of chemical reaction between a strong alkali or base(such as sodium or potassium hydroxide) and a fat. Animal and vegetable fats and oils are made of ester molecules called triglycerides. An ester is a molecule that is formed from an alcohol and an acid. In the case of fats, glycerin is the alcohol, and the acids are fatty acids like stearic, oleic, and palmitic acids.
When the alkali solution is thoroughly mixed with the oils, a reaction called saponification begins. What this means is that the glyceride of the triglyceride breaks off to form glycerine and the sodium or potassium bond with the fatty acid to form soap. With sodium, you get bar soap; with potassium, you get liquid soap.
Every oil or fat has what is called a saponification number, which is determined by the amount of alkali needed to completely saponify the fat. This number is determined by titration a test sample with a standardized alkali and acid/base indicator.

Estimation of Saponification of Fats and Oils

Saturated fats

Most people have heard about saturated fats and their link to obesity and heart disease and other ailments. But for soap, they are good. Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature and consist of straight-chained molecules.
For bar soap, they give the soap hardness as helping the soap last longer in the shower. Most commonly used saturated fat used for commercial soap making is beef fat, also known as tallow. It is usually the first and most abundant ingredient in many soaps. It is widely available as a by-product from the meat industry and is therefore one of the cheapest fats. It created a white and very hard bar of soap. Many people with sensitive skin have problems with soaps made with beef tallow. So, they usually use body washes or seek out bar soap made from gentler vegetable sources
Another common saturated fat is coconut oil. It also gives a very hard white bar of soap, but unlike tallow, the fatty acids are shorter length carbon chains that increase water solubility. This greater solubility in water helps generate more suds and increases the cleaning ability. Unfortunately, soap made from coconut oil alone would be drying to the skin so some conditioning and moisturizing ingredients need to be added. Another very common saturated fat is palm oil. It is the go-to replacement for beef tallow for truly vegan soaps. It is also a good fat when skin sensitivity to beef tallow is an issue. A common recipe for homemade vegan soap consist of palm, coconut, and olive oil.

Unsaturated Fats (Liquid Oils)

The best ingredients to balance the saturated fats in a soap recipe are the unsaturated fats. By contrast, these are usually vegetable oils that are liquid at room temperature and consist mainly of bent and branched chain molecules. They have the property of acting as emollients or moisturizers in soap recipes. In the right proportions, they can effectively offset the drying qualities of saturated fats and create a bar soap that is hard, white, sudsy, and conditioning as well. One of the best condition oils is olive oil. It consists mainly of oleic acid, but the conditioning action mostly comes from the unsaponifiable, which are organic ingredients in the oil that are not acted upon by the alkali. One of which is squalane, which is used in many high-end antiaging cremes. Some other common vegetable oils are soybean, corn oil, safflower oil, castor oil, and sunflower oil. It should be noted that some vegetable oils, notably the polyunsaturated ones, have a shelf life and will darken and go rancid with age.

Butters, Additive Oils, Fats

If a more luxurious soap is desired, you can add special kinds of butters and fast to soap. They add to the smoothness and skin-conditioning properties by leaving a protective barrier on the skin to help moisturize without feeling greasy. Some butters like cocoa butter even have mild pleasant aromas that can add to the bathing experience.

Cocoa Butter

You might already be familiar with cocoa butter in moisturizing creams, cosmetics, and lip balms. It imparts a silky smoothness to personal care products and is an excellent emollient. It's also one of the most stable fats at least partly due to the antioxidants present. It has a typical shelf life of two to five years.
Cocoa butter is extracted from the cocoa bean in tropical regions. It consists of roughly 60% saturated fats and 40% unsaturated fats. It is an offwhite to cream-colored solid which have a melting range of 93 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit, which is near body temperature. But, cocoa butter is stable and quite solid at room temperature. This makes cocoa butter perfect for its most common use of all: the manufacturing of chocolate products. All chocolates are made with cocoa butter including milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is a buttery fat extracted from the African shea nut. It is a cream-colored fat this is softer than cocoa butter and does not have as much saturated fat. In its native land of Africa, it is used in food preparation. In fact, it is sometimes combined with other fats to substitute for the more expensive cocoa butter in chocolates. But the taste is different so 100% cocoa butter is the preferred fat for chocolate manufacture.
Shea butter also has the property of containing nonsaponifiable components. What this means is shea butter has ingredients that will not chemically interact with alkalies to form soaps. This gives shea butter its texture and emollient capabilities. The main fatty acids are the saturated stearic acid and the unsaturated oleic acid.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Sabun Natural

1. Minyak zaitun
minyak zaitun
Minyak zaitun alami berkualitas tinggi memiliki efek untuk  melindungi kulit dan mengunci kelembaban. Ia juga memiliki sifat antioksidan, yang mempromosikan penyembuhan dan menyediakan asam lemak yang memberikan dorongan pelembab!
Vitamin E dalam Minyak Zaitun membantu melindungi terhadap penuaan, memulihkan kehalusan kulit. Melindungi dari sinar ultraviolet dan Hydroxytyrosol mencegah kerusakan radikal bebas pada kulit. Itu tidak menyumbat pori-pori dan menembus jauh ke dalam kulit, memberikan efek pembersihan.
2. Minyak Kelapa
minyak kelapa
Tidak seperti minyak sayur, minyak kelapa memiliki masa simpan yang panjang dan jumlah lemak jenuh yang tinggi. Lemak dari minyak menembus kulit dan melembabkan secara mendalam - semua sementara sifat antibakteri dan antijamur menyeimbangkan kulit dan melawan jerawat.
Asam laurat dalam minyak bertindak sebagai agen antibakteri mengurangi risiko infeksi bakteri yang memperburuk jerawat. Minyak mempertahankan kadar air yang membuat kulit halus saat disentuh. Ini bertindak sebagai penghalang fisik terhadap agen seperti debu dan pencemar lingkungan saat menyegel kelembaban. Aman, efektif, dan hypoallergenic.
3. Minyak Jarak
minyak jarak
Sedikit demi sedikit minyak jarak yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk membantu bahan alami Anda menyatu dan mengolah busa itu! Ini juga tinggi asam lemak yang membantu menghilangkan apa pun yang menyumbat pori-pori Anda. Ia juga memiliki banyak sifat penyembuhan seperti penyembuhan peradangan kulit yang disebabkan oleh kulit terbakar matahari, jerawat dan kulit kering. Ini memudar noda dengan menembus jauh ke jaringan parut, menepuk-nepuknya sambil mendorong pertumbuhan jaringan sehat di sekitarnya, membantu noda memudar.
Ini mencegah stretch mark dan mengurangi pigmentasi karena asam lemak yang menghidrasi kulit sambil merangsang pertumbuhan jaringan sehat yang memberikan kulit kenyal bebas noda.
4. Aloe Vera
lidah buaya
Ini tidak hanya bagus untuk kulit Anda, itu bagus untuk konsistensi sabun! Aloe vera adalah anti-infeksi dan melawan bakteri serta anti-inflamasi, menenangkan kulit.Mengganti air dengan jus lidah buaya dalam resep sabun juga membantu konsistensi dan busa dari produk jadi Anda!
Ini mengobati jerawat dan mengurangi visibilitas stretch mark karena hormon Auxin dan Giberelin di lidah buaya. Giberelin bertindak sebagai hormon pertumbuhan yang merangsang pertumbuhan sel-sel baru yang memungkinkan kulit untuk sembuh dengan cepat dan alami dengan jaringan parut minimal. Antioksidan beta karoten, vitamin C dan E meningkatkan kekencangan kulit dan menjaga kulit terhidrasi, dan tidak meninggalkan perasaan berminyak.
Waspadai Petrolatum
minyak ter
Petrolatum adalah bahan yang banyak digunakan dalam sabun yang ditargetkan untuk mereka yang memiliki kulit sensitif. Manfaat yang diklaim dalam kemampuannya untuk menutup kulit dengan lapisan tebal, tak tertembus yang mempertahankan kelembaban dan meningkatkan penyembuhan.
Sudah ada uptick dalam bahan alami dibandingkan petrolatum - sementara itu dianggap tidak beracun dan hanya petrolatum sangat halus ditemukan dalam produk kecantikan, ada kekhawatiran yang meningkat dalam kemungkinan hubungannya dengan kanker.Petrolatum pada tingkat halus yang lebih rendah memiliki potensi untuk terkontaminasi dengan karsinogen hidrokarbon aromatik polisiklik.

Manfaat yang Luar Biasa Dari Moringa Oil Minyak Kelor/

moringa oil
Manfaat luar biasa dari minyak kelor termasuk kemampuannya untuk mengurangi stres oksidatif, menghilangkan peradangan, melembabkan dan mengeksfoliasi kulit , meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan mengurangi tekanan darah. Ini juga membantu detoksifikasi tubuh, memperlambat proses penuaan, mempercepat penyembuhan , melawan ketombe, dan mengatur tidur .

Apa Itu Minyak Kelor?

Minyak kelor berasal dari pohon asli ke India , Bangladesh, dan Afghanistan, umumnya dikenal sebagai pohon drumstick.Secara ilmiah diklasifikasikan sebagai Moringa oleifera, pohon ini sangat penting dalam persiapan budaya dan obat tertentu di daerah-daerah di dunia. Namun, karena efek kesehatannya yang mengesankan, ia telah menjadi tersedia dan dicari secara global.
Pohon kelor memiliki kulit kayu, daun, buah, dan biji yang semuanya dapat digunakan untuk praktik kesehatan alami, meskipun ekstrak akar dapat menjadi racun. Moringa oil biasanya diperoleh melalui proses cold-pressing atau ekstraksi pelarut. Ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses sumber yang kaya nutrisi dalam biji, yang meliputi vitamin C , vitamin B , dan berbagai lemak tak jenuh tunggal, termasuk kadar asam oleat yang sangat tinggi, serta asam behenic.

Manfaat & Penggunaan Minyak Kelor

Orang yang menderita tekanan darah tinggi, kebiasaan tidur yang buruk, toksisitas tinggi, kulit kering , psoriasis , eksim , ketombe, luka, luka, goresan, radang sendi , asam urat , penuaan dini, keriput, dan masalah gastrointestinal pasti dapat menemukan kelegaan dari kondisi kesehatan mereka setelah menggunakan minyak kelor.

Melembabkan Kulit Kering

Menerapkan minyak kelor ke kulit Anda membuka sifat pelembab dan emoliennya, yang dapat membantu kulit mempertahankan kelembaban dan mencegah peradangan atau pengelupasan. Minyak ini juga merupakan zat pemurni, berkat sifat antibakterinya, membantu melindungi kulit terhadap zat-zat lingkungan dan alergenik, serta patogen. Asam behenic dalam minyak ini membantu melindungi kulit dari kerusakan.

Mempercepat Penyembuhan

Banyak orang menggunakan minyak kelor saat mereka menderita luka goresan, luka, atau abrasi. Dapat menstimulasi aliran darah ke area, serta melindungi luka dari infeksi. Minyak ini juga dapat membantu melawan infeksi jamur atau membuka luka dari jerawat, yang dapat dengan mudah menjadi terinfeksi atau diperparah oleh debu, kotoran, dan minyak.

Meningkatkan Kekebalan

Minyak kelor kaya asam lemak omega-9, vitamin C, dan vitamin E yang membantu mencari radikal bebas dan melindungi organ-organ dari peradangan berlebih dan saring. Nutrisi ini tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk kesehatan jantung , tetapi mereka juga memiliki efek anti-inflamasi dan antioksidan. Vitamin C menstimulasi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan vitamin E lebih melindungi kulit.

Mengobati Gangguan Perut

Minyak kelor telah secara tradisional digunakan untuk pengobatan sakit perut dan bisul. Senyawa aktif dan antioksidan yang ditemukan dalam minyak ini dapat meredakan peradangan di usus, menyeimbangkan tingkat bakteri, dan mengoptimalkan pencernaan , sehingga mengurangi keasaman dan kondisi terkait.

Menurunkan Tekanan Darah

Salah satu aspek terbaik dari asam lemak omega-9 (asam oleat) adalah bahwa hal itu dapat memiliki efek positif pada tekanan darah. Bahkan, dengan merangsang sirkulasi dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol , minyak kelor dapat meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan cara utama dengan menurunkan risiko aterosklerosis , serangan jantung, dan stroke. Namun, asam behenat, yang juga ditemukan dalam minyak kelor, adalah lemak jenuh, yang dapat merusak sistem kardiovaskular.Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk menggunakan minyak ini dalam jumlah sedang.

Bantu dalam Kondisi Inflamasi

Jika Anda secara teratur menderita gejala radang sendi, sakit kepala , sakit otot, kelelahan kronis atau gangguan sendi, Anda dapat mengambil manfaat dari efek anti-inflamasi minyak kelor. Dapat meredakan pembengkakan jaringan dan menghilangkan rasa sakit, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk masalah kesehatan kronis dan akut.

Perawatan Rambut

Minyak kelor dapat menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut, sekaligus melindungi rambut rontok . Sifat emolien, antioksidan, dan antibakteri dari minyak mampu melindungi kulit kepala dan menjaganya tetap lembab, sehingga membatasi atau menghilangkan ketombe. Selain itu, pasokan asam lemak yang kaya dapat meningkatkan kilau dan kilau rambut Anda.

Mempromosikan Tidur

Ketika datang ke masalah tidur, orang sering beralih ke minyak kelor karena sifatnya yang menenangkan. Asam behenat dalam minyak ini dikenal dapat melemaskan tubuh, sementara senyawa aktif dan aromatik lainnya dapat membantu mengendurkan otot dan meningkatkan rasa tenang. Minyak dapat digunakan dalam aromaterapi atau dioleskan secara topikal pada dada atau pelipis untuk efek penenang ini.

Perawatan Hati

Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa minyak kelor dapat membantu menurunkan penanda kimia negatif dalam tubuh yang menandakan kerusakan atau gangguan hati. Bagi orang yang sudah menderita kerusakan hati di masa lalu, ini sangat penting untuk memastikan fungsi hati yang tepat saat Anda bertambah tua.

Fakta Nutrisi Dari Minyak Kelor

Minyak kelor memiliki profil nutrisi yang unik, didominasi oleh vitamin C dan vitamin B-keluarga, serta tingkat lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang sangat tinggi dan beberapa lemak jenuh. Bahan yang paling penting adalah asam oleat (omega-9), dimana lebih dari 70% minyak ini tersusun. Selanjutnya, ada jumlah yang signifikan (5-10%) asam behenic, lemak jenuh juga dikenal sebagai asam docosanoic, yang memiliki sejumlah efek penting pada tubuh.
Minyak drumstick
Minyak drumstick adalah nama lain untuk minyak kelor, karena tanaman dari mana minyak ini berasal, Moringa oleifera , sering disebut pohon drumstick, seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya. Ada banyak kultivar yang berbeda dari pohon kelor, yang menghasilkan minyak dengan komposisi dan rasa kimia yang sedikit berbeda, tetapi umumnya, minyak ini sangat mirip. Dikenal setidaknya sejak zaman Yunani dan Romawi, pohon ini dikenal di seluruh dunia sebagai pohon drumstick, maka minyak drumstick. Istilah ini dapat dipertukarkan dengan kebanyakan herbalis dan praktisi kesehatan alami.

Efek Samping Minyak Kelor

Efek samping dari menggunakan minyak kelor terbatas tetapi mungkin termasuk iritasi kulit, masalah kardiovaskular, dan masalah perut. Wanita hamil juga harus menghindari penggunaan, atau berbicara secara eksplisit dengan dokter mereka sebelum menggunakan minyak ampuh ini.
Tekanan darah
Telah diketahui bahwa asam lemak omega-9 dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, yang merupakan hal yang baik kecuali Anda sudah mengonsumsi obat penurun tekanan darah, yang dalam hal ini dapat menyebabkan tingkat hipotensi yang berbahaya.
Masalah Kulit
Seperti sebagian besar minyak pekat, penggunaan topikal dapat menyebabkan peradangan atau iritasi pada kulit, serta kemerahan atau gatal. Oleskan sedikit ke sepetak kulit dan kemudian tunggu selama 3-4 jam untuk melihat apakah ada reaksi negatif lebih lanjut.
Masalah perut
Mengkonsumsi minyak kelor umumnya dianggap aman dalam jumlah kecil hingga sedang, tetapi penggunaan berlebihan dapat menyebabkan radang usus atau sakit perut, termasuk mual, perut kembung, kembung, kram, atau diare . Sebagai saus salad atau tumis, Anda tidak membutuhkan sejumlah besar rasa dan manfaat kesehatan yang akan dikirimkan!
Wanita yang hamil umumnya tidak dianjurkan untuk menggunakan minyak kelor, karena dapat memiliki efek pada kontraksi uterus. Dalam dua trimester pertama, ini berpotensi merangsang menstruasi, dan meningkatkan risiko keguguran atau persalinan prematur.
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